Campers were in 12 groups of 10, mixed native English and German speakers with two leaders, one native German speaker and one native English speaker of which I was one. Two afternoons the campers could chose from various workshops
- Day 1: 2x 1 hour
- Day 2: 4x 30 minutes (some stayed longer or came back)
4 Stations
Started with an overview via demo and then group went to different stations.
- Enchanting for a simple intruder alarm
- ultrasound sensor - is someone is there?
- light sensor - light or dark object
- sound sensor - Is something is there and making a noise? If campers made noise, set off alarm.
- Object moved behind a sheet and campers said if it was light or dark and how far away it was.
- [Evaluation: Enchanting
- [Update: 1 hour was short, but in Spring 2012 in France a 3 hour workshop using Enchanting worked well. Also Enchanting tool has matured in the last year.]
- is a promising Scratch/ BYOB like interface to Lego NXT.
- worked for workshop demos.
- caught the campers interest. Some came multiple times.
- Version 0.0.8 is not a mature enough for beginners to program with quickly
- A camper (age 10) did successfully program with Enchanting, but having used NXT-G before he volunteered he preferred that.
- With NXT-G campers might have programmed a sensor.
- was 2nd real/trial use of Enchanting with children anywhere.]
- Update April 2012: newer (now byob based) Enchanting has been used by winning elementary /middle school teams in contests on multiple continents.
- Construct a 5 minute bot and use to detect an intruder
- used their robot with either with Mindroid or the Enchanting program.
- 3 campers constructed a tank-tread robot in 10 minutes without construction plans nor any previous NXT experience!
- [Evaluation: Really took only 5-15 minutes for beginners.]
- Mindroid:
- Tilt sensor in Android phone to drive Lego robot
- Challenge drive around a trash basket.
- [Evaluation: worked well, shortest station - 5 minutes]
- BeeBot
- Logo like- 7 buttons:
- forward, backwards, left, right, go, pause, clear
- Clear 5x5 square grid. 1 grid is how far it travels in forward 1
- various challenges:
- go to chosen square
- Numbers: go to digits
- Letters: spell word by going to letters
- [Evaluation:
- Campers and my helper loved it.
- Spelling Bee-Bot was an attraction when it rained.]
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